Part 3 – Mismatched Expectations


In parts 1 and 2 we covered how forms of communications need to cater to different audience needs, preferences, and channels where they can be reached. We also put ourselves in the audience’s shoes, those willing to pay attention and devote time and effort to do so.

The effect of having these two misaligned are communications that don’t achieve their acquisition or retention goals. They simply miss the mark.

As communicators you need to do more with the same. For some, with fewer resources and budget. This means needing to be more efficient with your content. Many fail to recognize that it isn’t so much a need for efficiency of the creative process, but rather efficiency and ease of consumption from the audience’s perspective.

So, let’s take a step back and consider communications. Today many of you support efforts such as employee onboarding, company initiatives, new product releases, sales enablement, customer and partner relations, and many other audiences.

When you decide on the communication medium to use you have choices: email, print, ads, infographics, and podcasts. Podcasts work well. Why? Because if you do it right you allow the person that is willing to listen to sit back and be informed, requiring no effort on their behalf other than just a bit of their time. Now, that’s effective!

A picture is worth 1000 words. So, in comes video. You might be tempted to say: video is too hard; I don’t know anything about video; I don’t have people on the team qualified to deliver video; and I don’t have the budget and time to deal with agencies. What they produce is too polished, too slow to produce, and too costly. It’s just “too”.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Yet status quo is not really an option today and going forward in 2023 and beyond.

In the next segment we’ll cover how the GLX Cloud service, the next generation of video content operations can help you and your teams better cater to your audience. 

... others in this series

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